Self Care - I'll Check My Schedule!

Self Care - I'll Check My Schedule!

"Practicing self-care is important" How many times have we heard that, nodded in agreement, and kept on truckin' like the rules do not apply to us?

You are sitting in the office; it’s a busy week at work. There’s an important meeting to prepare for, a social media campaign to spearhead, loads of paperwork, and your calendar is jam-packed with tasks and events. Let's not discuss any personal responsibilities.

How do you make room for all these things? You overwork, cancel your yoga or workout session, cut back on socializing, and even skip a few meals.

Bam! Problem solved... or not.

To keep up with this roadrunner form of living, we don’t think twice before putting self-care on the back burner. More often than not, it takes a wake-up call to notice the toll this kind of lifestyle takes on our lives.

No matter how indulgent this may sound self-care is crucial for our physical, emotional and mental well-being. Here's something to think about:

Know your worth: Self-care helps us maintain a healthy relationship with yourself. It produces positive feelings, boosts your confidence and self-esteem, and reminds yourself (and others) that you and your needs are important too.

A healthy work-life balance: Contrary to common belief, workaholism is not a virtue. Overwork, and the accompanying stress and exhaustion make you less productive, disorganized and emotionally depleted. It can also lead to all sorts of health problems from anxiety and depression to insomnia and heart diseases.

Stress: While a little dose of stress gives us a nudge to tackle challenges, constant stress and anxiety have an adverse effect on your mental and physical health. Think of the effects of water on a rock.

Start living, stop existing: Life is a precious gift. Treat it as such. Yes, we have many responsibilities one of which to take care of ourselves. Little things like sipping a cup of tea, reading a book or a hobby contribute to your happiness and make life more purposeful by giving you a reason to get up in the morning.

Better physical health: This is so obvious but it bears repeating: Self-care is not just about mental health, it's also about taking care of your physical body which feels good and vastly improves your quality of life.

No need to overthink this one - Start small, start today. It won't be long before you, and the people around you, see a transformation take place.

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